Thursday, December 31, 2020

Upvc roofing sheet available sizes in NEPAL

Price may vary due to its quality. Normally, the Upvc sheet is available in 3mm thickness and calculate in square feet. 

Length is available in different sizes and the breadth is fixed.

Threre are two kinds of design available in the market, one is tile shape and another is Jasta shape in nepal. 

Length of tile shape sheet: 18 ft 8 inch, 15 ft 10 inch, 14ft 5 inch, 12 ft 11 inch, 12ft 2 inch, 11ft 6 inch, 

10 ft. , 10ft 9 inch, 9ft 4 inch, 8ft 7inch, 7ft 11inch, 7ft 2inch, 6ft 6inch, 5ft 9 inch, 4ft 4inch, 3ft 7inch,  

width of tile shape is 41 inch i.e. 3.416 ft.

Length of jasta shape: 2ft , 3ft, 4ft, 5ft, 6ft, 7ft, 8ft, 9ft. , 10ft, 11ft, 12ft, 13ft, 14ft, 16ft , 19 ft 2 inch

width of jasta shape is 44 inch i.e 3.67 ft.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Upvc Roofing sheet price in Nepal (NEPALI PRODUCT)


    Different kinds of Upvc Roofing sheets are available in the market. This product is trending in today's market. Due to its durability and other peoperties like sound proof, fire resistance and so on. Price may differ due to its quality and types. Double fiber , Single fiber and normal sheets are available. You can find the product either produce in Nepal or imported from other countries. Today we will list the market rate of sheet as per there quality.      Product produce in Nepal (Nepali Sheet)                                                                                                                                                                   
  Normal sheet (No warranty) - 110 TO 115 PER SQ FT.                              
  Sheet with single fiber (No warranty) - 120 TO 130 per sq ft           
 Sheet with double fiber (20 Years warranty) - 150 - 160 per sq ft

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Availavle colour of Upvc roofing sheet



Available colour: Terrocotta and Blue.



Upvc roofing in Nepal ( TYPES OF ROOFING SHEET)

Upvc Roofing Sheet
 In Nepal, mostly there are three kinds of Upvc roofing Sheet available. 
-Normal without fiber (जाली  नभएको)
-Single fiber( जाली भएको)
-Double fiber ( डबल जाली )


Monday, December 28, 2020

Upvc Roof in Nepal

 Upvc Roofing sheet now available in Nepal with 25 years warranty in material and 10 years in colour. This Upvc roofing sheet is imported from China and High in quality.